About Me

So I get asked, " Nyree, why are you doing this?" Well, I found myself working three straight weeks of 12-16 hour days during Hurricane Sandy. Meals provided, snacks and energy drinks brought with me to keep me awake all day and night. During that three weeks, I gained 30 lbs. I was already pretty heavy and that just added to it. One night when driving home from work, I found that my stomach was driving for me. I sucked it in all the way home and cried myself to sleep. The next day I went to work and on my breaks I researched my local hospital's bariatric program. And here I am lovies. Starting this wonderful trek to finding the real me.

Monday, October 14, 2013

6 days post op

Sorry I didn't write sooner. I had a hard time managing my pain and sleepiness. Today I feel great. Learned by trial and error(mostly error) my pouch doesn't like cold things just yet. My pouch would cramp something fierce and cause all kinda of pain. Now I am just drinking hot things for the next 24 hours and slowly put in some cold again. My energy is returning to pre op levels slowly. And for some reason, my incisions only hurt in the muscle layer. But, that is manageable pain.

day of surgery - I wasn't allowed anything to drink. just mouth swabs to keep my mouth wet. ALOT of pain. Gas pain inside pain. The gas was building up  so much i could see my belly growing bigger. I walked a bunch and still didn't pass it but it helped just by walking.
day 2- started on ice chips and sipping ice water. soooo much cramping and pain. broth was room temp when they brought it so that caused cramping and pain. They wanted  to send me home that afternoon. That's when the gas hit again. So distended that my belly was almost round. They kept me another night. I slept in 4 hour spurts because they kept the pain meds on schedule.
day 3- I farted. felt sooo much better. still very tired. they sent me home. where i immediately started on the gas x strips and heating pad. Why don't they give you this stuff in the hospital? I felt so much better after an hour.
Slept in my own bed on second night home and slept for 7 straight hours. it made a huge difference.
and yesterday I pooped. It was the best feeling ever!

I have been steadily getting better each day. Today.. great!.

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