About Me

So I get asked, " Nyree, why are you doing this?" Well, I found myself working three straight weeks of 12-16 hour days during Hurricane Sandy. Meals provided, snacks and energy drinks brought with me to keep me awake all day and night. During that three weeks, I gained 30 lbs. I was already pretty heavy and that just added to it. One night when driving home from work, I found that my stomach was driving for me. I sucked it in all the way home and cried myself to sleep. The next day I went to work and on my breaks I researched my local hospital's bariatric program. And here I am lovies. Starting this wonderful trek to finding the real me.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Start weight 253.5

Starting the journey to a new me has had me obsessing over every aspect of this journey. Today I decided I'm going to taste everything I'm going to need to eat and drink. I was more aware and guilty feeling eating dinner last night and breakfast this morning. I ate half my breakfast and waited 30 minutes to drink. Ot was hard. The protein drink was gritty. I stopped and picked up some oh yeah shakes and isopure drink to try out. More aware of my protein and fluid consumption too. I'm hoping by starting now I can easily manage it when I need to. Here is to a new me!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

First day

So today is the start of the new me. I have decided I'm going to have gastric bypass surgery. I have been doing alot of research over the last few days and really feel its time to do something more with my life than just sit here and be depressed that i cant lost this weight and get sicker. So, here it is. My chronicles on this journey of finding the Nyree I want to be again.